TRTR 2024 Sponsor Registration

We invite you to support TRTR and the annual meeting at one or more of the opportunity levels outlined below. Registration fees for attendees cover only part of the meeting expenses, with the remaining balance coming from sponsor donations. This is an important way to make your company’s products and services visible to the TRTR community. The annual TRTR meetings are an ideal venue for your organization to meet and interact with this auspicious community.

Platinum $6,000+
- Two complimentary meeting registrations
- Exhibit space
- Signage with company name and logo in conference space
- Sponsor moment with the conference audience
- Recognition on TRTR Website, Registration site, and Conference App

Gold $4,500+
- One complimentary meeting registration
- Exhibit space
- Sponsor moment with the conference audience
- Recognition on TRTR Website, Registration site, and Conference App

Silver $3,000+
- One complimentary meeting registration
- Exhibit space
- Recognition on TRTR Website, Registration site, and Conference App

Exhibitor $1,500
- Exhibit space
- Company Name and Logo in Conference App

Meal Sponsorships are available:
- Breakfast at $2,000
- Morning Coffee Break at $1,000
- Afternoon Coffee break at $1,000
- Lunch at $2,500
- Welcome reception at $2,000
- Banquet at $3,000

Meal sponsorship includes a sign with your company name and logo at the meal you support and in the conference agenda.

You can make a donation in any amount to help defray the cost of the conference and contribute overall to the community. We will recognize your contribution on the TRTR website and in the Conference App.