TRTR Facility Inspection Reports


Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited / Minor Violations Violation Information Follow-Up
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center ML24032A029 01/22/2024 Operations Craig Bassett, Necota Staples 0 0 0 NA NA
NC State University PULSTAR Reactor ML24066A004 02/12/2024 Health Physics Andrew Waugh 0 0 1 Failure of a required power monitoring channel during operations. NA
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML24073A315 02/26/2024 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Oregon State TRIGA Reactor ML24079A184 03/04/2024 Operations Andrew Waugh 0 0 1 Reactor exceeded its maximum licensed power level. NA
Washington State University Reactor ML24100A794 03/18/2024 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Ohio State University Research Reactor ML24106A035 03/25/2024 Operations Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Reed Research Reactor ML24106A164 03/23/2024 Health Physics Andrew Waugh, Necota Staples 0 0 0 NA NA
Dow Chemical TRIGA Reactor ML24121A085 04/09/2024 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML24130A189 04/22/2024 Health Physics Andrew Waugh, Brian Lin, Molly Keefe-Forsyth, Necota Staples, Wesley Deschaine 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor ML24136A288 04/29/2024 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Aerotest Research Reactor ML24137A273 05/06/2024 Security Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center ML24143A190 04/29/2024 Decommissioning Troy Johnson, Stephanie Anderson, Christian Dennes 0 0 0 NA NA
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML24156A140 05/20/2024 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Kansas State University TRIGA Reactor ML24157A109 05/20/2024 Operations Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor ML24169A852 05/14/2024 Operations Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
Penn State Breazeale Reactor ML24185A060 05/06/2024 Operations Michael Balazik 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor ML24199A249 06/24/2024 Security Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute TRIGA Reactor ML24222A722 07/15/2024 Health Physics Andrew Waugh, Juan Arellano, Jared Nadel 0 0 0 NA NA
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute TRIGA Reactor ML24239A350 07/15/2024 Security Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Purdue University Reactor - 1 ML24241A025 07/09/2024 Security Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
Washington State University Reactor ML24242A125 07/29/2024 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 2 NA NA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor ML24248A113 07/08/2024 Health Physics Brian Lin 0 0 0 NA NA
Idaho State University AGN-201m ML24253A163 08/12/2024 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
NC State University PULSTAR Reactor ML24254A306 08/12/2024 Operations Andrew Waugh, Jared Nadel 0 1 1 Emergency procedures did not contain sufficient information for emergency classification. Minor violation was identified for an event where the reactor was operated above 500 kW with a required power monitoring channel inoperable, but this was not cited. ML24289A181
University of Utah Training Reactor ML24261B239 07/08/2024 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 1 0 A change was made under 10 CFR 50.59 which required a change in the Technical Specifications. Waiting
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML24268A104 09/03/2024 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor ML24269A100 09/09/2024 Health Physics Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML24274A072 09/09/2024 Operations Andrew Waugh, Jonathan Braisted, Jared Nadel 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML24276A036 09/09/2024 Security Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
University of New Mexico AGN-201 Reactor ML24290A083 09/24/2024 Health Physics Andrew Waugh 0 0 1 Failed to meet staffing requirements when the reactor key was left in the console unattended. NA
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor ML24298A096 10/07/2024 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Maryland University Training Reactor ML24298A239 09/23/2024 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center ML24299A239 10/07/2024 Decommissioning Stephanie Anderson, Troy Johnson 0 0 0 NA NA
US Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor ML24334A064 07/23/2024 Operations Kevin Roche, Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Florida Training Reactor ML24341A155 11/18/2024 Health Physics Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor ML24348A139 10/21/2024 Operations Brian Lin 0 1 0 A Senior Reactor Operator performed licensed activities without having completed all aspects of the Requal Plan. Waiting
Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center TRIGA Reactor ML25014A182 12/16/2024 Health Physics Juan Arellano, Andrew Waugh, Jonathan Braisted 0 1 3 Failure to perform audits at the required frequency, failure to submit annual reports at the required frequency, failure to submit Reportable Occurence follow-ups in the required time period, failure to calibrate Area Radiation Monitors at the required intervals. Waiting
Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center AGN-201 Reactor ML25023A273 12/16/2024 All Andrew Waugh 0 0 2 Failure to submit annual reports within the required timeframe, failure to inform the NRC of changes to the Emergency Plan within 30 days. NA
NIST Center for Neutron Research ML25014A433 01/01/2024 Follow-up Brian Lin, Kevin Roche, Dori Willis, Carleen Parker 0 0 0 NA NA
Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited / Minor Violations Violation Information Follow-Up


Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited Violations Violation Information Follow-Up
NIST Center for Neutron Research ML23268A395 01/01/2023 Follow-up Kevin Roche, Juan Arellano, Sara Bernal-Taylor, Carleen Parker, Dori Willis 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Texas - Austin Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory ML24022A106 01/08/2023 Operations Andrew Waugh, Necota Staples 0 0 0 NA NA
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center ML23048A311 01/09/2023 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
US Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor ML23054A207 01/10/2023 Operations Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
University of California, Irvine Nuclear Reactor Facility ML24057A252 02/05/2023 Operations Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
Ohio State University Research Reactor ML23055A277 02/06/2023 Health Physics Andrew Waugh, Brian Lin 0 0 0 NA NA
Ohio State University Research Reactor ML23060A083 02/06/2023 Security Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML23081A530 02/21/2023 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Purdue University Reactor - 1 ML23088A226 03/06/2023 All Juan Arellano, Andrew Waugh 0 1 0 A portable survey meter being used in place of a fixed radiation area monitor with scram capability for longer than the Tech Spec allowed interval. ML23171B027
Washington State University Reactor ML23137A414 03/27/2023 Operations Craig Bassett, Andrew Waugh, Dorry Willis, Molly Keefe-Forsyth 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Texas - Austin Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory ML23193B029 04/11/2023 Health Physics Andrew Waugh, Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Texas - Austin Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory ML23193B033 04/11/2023 Security Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Reed Research Reactor ML23186A133 04/17/2023 Operations Juan Arellano 0 0 1 Ventilation system failed during fuel movements. NA
General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center ML23159A013 04/18/2023 Health Physics Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Kansas State University TRIGA Reactor ML23151A646 04/24/2023 Security Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Kansas State University TRIGA Reactor ML23152A147 04/24/2023 Health Physics Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Maryland University Training Reactor ML23199A020 05/01/2023 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML23199A024 05/15/2023 Health Physics Andrew Waugh, Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor ML23193B043 05/16/2023 Health Physics Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
Dow Chemical TRIGA Reactor ML23205A030 05/30/2023 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor ML23205A084 06/12/2023 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Oregon State TRIGA Reactor ML23213A006 06/12/2023 Health Physics Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Florida Training Reactor ML23213A044 06/26/2023 Operations Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Florida Training Reactor ML23227A188 06/26/2023 Security Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Aerotest Research Reactor ML23219A188 06/27/2023 Decommissioning Stephanie Anderson, Michael LaForanzo, Jack Parrott 0 2 0 Failure to have qualified Certified Fuel Handlers and implement the ARRR CFH Training/Requalification Program, and failure to service a neutron survey meter as required by the Technical Specifications ML24025A167
University of Utah Training Reactor ML23226A010 07/10/2023 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 2 Failure to have sufficient experimental review procedures, and failure to inspect all fuel elements at the required interval. NA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor ML23228A133 07/31/2023 Health Physics Juan Arellano, Brian Lin 0 0 0 NA NA
Idaho State University AGN-201m ML23229A025 07/31/2023 Operations Craig Bassett 0 1 0 2 Operators did not receive their biennial physicals within the required interval. ML24026A077
Penn State Breazeale Reactor ML23240A005 07/31/2023 Health Physics Michael Balazik 0 0 1 Failure to provide neutron dosimetry for some workers NA
Maryland University Training Reactor ML23243A929 08/07/2023 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center ML23268A373 08/14/2023 Security Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
US Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor ML23243A975 08/21/2023 Security Juan Arellano 0 0 1 NA NA
US Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor ML23270B190 08/21/2023 Health Physics Kevin Roche, Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
NC State University PULSTAR Reactor ML23255A201 08/28/2023 Security Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML23261B484 08/28/2023 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Walthousen Reactor Critical Facility ML23296A247 09/18/2023 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML23297A072 09/25/2023 Operations Andrew Waugh, Necota Staples 0 0 2 Staffing violation caused when an operator’s license was not renewed within the timely renewal period, Violation of Technical Specifications when control blade heights differed by more than 1 inch while the reactor was operating at a power of greater than 100 kW NA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor ML23304A126 10/10/2023 Operations Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor ML23304A145 10/16/2023 Operations Juan Arellano, Michael Balazik 0 0 0 NA NA
General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center ML23362A083 10/16/2023 Decommissioning Troy Johnson, Michael LaFranzo, Binesh Tharakan 0 0 1 Failure to list the maximum activity of radioactive contents contained in each package during transport. NA
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center ML23310A006 10/23/2023 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of New Mexico AGN-201 Reactor ML23312A132 10/23/2023 Security Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
University of New Mexico AGN-201 Reactor ML23317A003 10/23/2023 Operations Andrew Waugh 0 1 1 Reactor exceeded its maximum licensed power level, and the event was not reported to the NRC within the required time frame. ML24002B111
Maryland University Training Reactor ML23319A274 11/06/2023 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center TRIGA Reactor ML23356A117 12/11/2023 Security Craig Bassett 0 2 0 NA NA
Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center TRIGA Reactor ML24024A132 12/11/2023 Operations Juan Arellano, Craig Bassett 0 1 1 Failure to notify the NRC of changes in the medical status of 2 operators, and allowing them to continue operating. Non-cited violation was identified for the failure of a required radiation monitor in the Emergency Support Center. ML24350A005
NIST Center for Neutron Research ML25014A433 07/01/2023 Follow-up Brian Lin, Kevin Roche, Dori Willis, Carleen Parker 0 0 0 NA NA
Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited Violations Violation Information Follow-Up


Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited Violations Violation Information Follow-Up
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center ML22048B756 01/10/2022 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of New Mexico AGN-201 Reactor ML22046A200 01/31/2022 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 1 Failure of a control rod to scram properly. NA
Oregon State TRIGA Reactor ML22056A237 02/07/2022 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 1 NA NA
Oregon State TRIGA Reactor ML22062A489 02/07/2022 Operations Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Dow Chemical TRIGA Reactor ML22070B086 02/28/2022 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Ohio State University Research Reactor ML22070B094 02/28/2022 Operations Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center ML22102A227 02/28/2022 Operations Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML22089A220 03/14/2022 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor ML22098A223 03/28/2022 Security Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Penn State Breazeale Reactor ML22102A242 03/29/2022 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor ML22109A082 04/04/2022 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
NC State University PULSTAR Reactor ML22130A001 04/18/2022 Health Physics Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML22137A321 04/25/2022 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Reed Research Reactor ML22153A196 04/25/2022 Health Physics Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Reed Research Reactor ML22140A392 05/02/2022 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 1 NA NA
Kansas State University TRIGA Reactor ML22151A174 05/09/2022 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Penn State Breazeale Reactor ML22158A237 05/16/2022 Operations Michael Takacs 0 0 1 Reactor exceeded its maximum licensed power level. NA
Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor ML22174A404 06/06/2022 Operations Andrew Waugh 0 2 0 Some operators did not have medical examinations every 2 years, and failure to measure excess reactivity, control rod worth, and shutdown margin following changes in core configuration. ML22235A787
Idaho State University AGN-201m ML22181B180 06/13/2022 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
Idaho State University AGN-201m ML22181B183 06/13/2022 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
NC State University PULSTAR Reactor ML22181B184 06/21/2022 Operations Andrew Waugh, Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
Washington State University Reactor ML22227A194 06/27/2022 Health Physics Kevin Roche, Dan Bradley 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Utah Training Reactor ML22223A211 07/11/2022 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Utah Training Reactor ML22229A483 07/11/2022 Security Michael Takacs 0 1 0 NA NA
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute TRIGA Reactor ML22230D058 07/25/2022 Health Physics Andrew Waugh, Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center ML22237A305 07/25/2022 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor ML22244A150 08/15/2022 Health Physics Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor ML22269A557 08/15/2022 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Washington State University Reactor ML22299A226 08/23/2022 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML22304A704 09/12/2022 Operations Craig Bassett, Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
University of New Mexico AGN-201 Reactor ML22305A702 09/12/2022 Health Physics Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
Dow Chemical TRIGA Reactor ML23003A810 10/03/2022 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML23024A277 10/24/2022 Security Michael Takacs 0 1 1 NA NA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor ML23025A228 10/24/2022 Health Physics Kevin Roche, Juan Arellano 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML23025A397 10/24/2022 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 2 Equipment failures during reactor operations. NA
University of Texas - Austin Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory ML22347A311 11/07/2022 Special Andrew Waugh, Craig Bassett, Joseph Staudenmeier 1 2 0 Special Inspection to investigate the operation of the reactor with aluminum clad fuel elements in the core, contrary to the reactor license. 2 Violations were issued for failure to have the Reactor Safety Committee review changes to the facility, and for failure to report a Reportable Occurrence within the required timeframe. The operation of the reactor with aluminum clad fuel was identified as an Apparent Violation, and was later cited as a Level III violation. ML23067A209
University of Florida Training Reactor ML23032A389 12/02/2022 Health Physics Andrew Waugh 0 0 0 NA NA
University of California, Irvine Nuclear Reactor Facility ML23047A348 12/12/2022 Security Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
University of California, Irvine Nuclear Reactor Facility ML23032A410 12/13/2022 Operations Juan Arellano, Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited Violations Violation Information Follow-Up


Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited Violations Violation Information Follow-Up
US Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor ML21042B227 01/21/2021 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
NIST Center for Neutron Research ML21077A094 02/09/2021 Special Kevin Roche, Phil O'Bryan, Michael Balazik, William Schuster 0 0 0 Special inspection regarding reactor fuel temperatures exceeding the Safety Limit NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML21062A227 02/22/2021 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Maryland University Training Reactor ML21099A138 03/22/2021 Operations Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML21099A018 03/29/2021 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Florida Training Reactor ML21127A285 04/19/2021 Operations Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
Reed Research Reactor ML21134A127 04/19/2021 Operations Kevin Roche 0 0 1 2 operators failed to complete the requal program within the required timeframe NA
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML21126A112 04/26/2021 Health Physics Craig Bassett, Mike Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML21144A045 04/27/2021 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor ML21146A158 05/10/2021 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center ML21238A395 05/10/2021 Security J. Buchanan 0 0 1 NA NA
Oregon State TRIGA Reactor ML21153A082 05/17/2021 Health Physics Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Kansas State University TRIGA Reactor ML21161A139 06/01/2021 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Purdue University Reactor - 1 ML21186A005 06/14/2021 Security Michael Takacs 0 1 0 NA ML21267A427
Purdue University Reactor - 1 ML21189A289 06/14/2021 Health Physics Phil O'Bryan 0 1 0 Failure to measure Ar-41 releases in the reactor effluents ML21267A405
University of Texas - Austin Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory ML20309A811 06/22/2021 Security Kevin Roche 0 0 2 NA NA
Washington State University Reactor ML21207A008 06/22/2021 Operations Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Dow Chemical TRIGA Reactor ML21194A411 06/28/2021 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute TRIGA Reactor ML21202A433 07/12/2021 Operations Phil O'Bryan 0 0 1 Staffing requirements not met due to retirements NA
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute TRIGA Reactor ML21203A065 07/12/2021 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
Idaho State University AGN-201m ML21225A086 07/26/2021 Operations Craig Bassett 0 1 0 Failure of two operators to receive a medical examination every two years Missing
Purdue University Reactor - 1 ML21294A279 07/30/2021 Followup Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 Follow Up inspection on the operation of the reactor in excess of licensed power level NA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor ML21245A430 08/09/2021 Health Physics Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center ML21118B022 08/11/2021 All Kevin Roche 0 0 1 Operators failed to complete annual operating exam NA
University of Utah Training Reactor ML21245A237 08/16/2021 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 1 Reactor pool exceeded conductivity limits. NA
US Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor ML21252A588 08/16/2021 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
US Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor ML21258A097 08/16/2021 Health Physics Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center AGN-201 Reactor ML21266A414 08/30/2021 Shutdown Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center AGN-201 Reactor ML21266A421 08/31/2021 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor ML21271A634 09/13/2021 Operations Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor ML21273A358 09/13/2021 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML21281A256 09/20/2021 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Walthousen Reactor Critical Facility ML21305A916 10/04/2021 Health Physics Michael Balazik 0 2 0 Failure to perform required tests and calibrations for the CAM and failure of the Nuclear Safety and Review Board to meet at the required frequency. Missing
Maryland University Training Reactor ML21286A764 10/05/2021 Health Physics Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center ML21300A392 10/11/2021 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center ML21326A141 10/26/2021 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML21322A341 11/01/2021 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 3 Violations of dose rate limits in public areas, failure of a control blade, and failure of a pressure transducer. NA
University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor ML21316A099 11/02/2021 Operations Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor ML21337A209 11/02/2021 Security Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Texas - Austin Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory ML22004A203 11/16/2021 Operations Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center TRIGA Reactor ML21344A200 11/29/2021 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute TRIGA Reactor ML21362A766 11/29/2021 Followup Phil O'Bryan, Dori Willis, Molly Keefe-Forsyth, Nicole Coleman 0 0 0 Follow Up inspection regarding the response to the Chilled Environment Letter issued to AFRRI in 2018 and the corrective actions taken in response. NA
University of California, Irvine Nuclear Reactor Facility ML22010A114 12/06/2021 Operations Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited Violations Violation Information Follow-Up


Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited Violations Violation Information Follow-Up
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center ML20023A350 01/06/2020 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center ML20054A241 01/27/2020 Security Kevin Roche 0 0 1 NA NA
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor ML20055E777 02/10/2020 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Oregon State TRIGA Reactor ML20077M361 02/24/2020 Operations Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center ML20078L009 03/03/2020 Health Physics Michael Takacs 0 0 1 Failure to perform the TS required drop time surveillance of the shim safety blades within the required annual interval. NA
Maryland University Training Reactor ML20083J629 03/09/2020 Security Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
Missouri University Research Reactor ML20168A846 06/01/2020 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center ML20183A312 06/15/2020 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
NC State University PULSTAR Reactor ML20191A277 06/15/2020 All Phil O'Bryan 0 1 0 Failure to account for the release of radioactive materials from a pool leak in effluent calculations. ML20246G577
Idaho State University AGN-201m ML20196L821 06/29/2020 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 1 1 Failure to perform the TS required annual determination of control rod worths, failure to correct deficiencies identified in the audit within 15 months. Missing
Washington State University Reactor ML20230A164 07/07/2020 Health Physics Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Reed Research Reactor ML20237F406 07/20/2020 Health Physics Kevin Roche, Phil O'Bryan 0 1 0 Operation of the reactor with required components of the ventilation system inoperable. ML20265A397
University of Florida Training Reactor ML20219A719 07/27/2020 Security Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center TRIGA Reactor ML20220A483 07/27/2020 Security Craig Bassett 0 2 0 NA NA
Penn State Breazeale Reactor ML20223A009 07/27/2020 Operations Michael Balazik 0 0 0 NA NA
NIST Center for Neutron Research ML20232A844 08/03/2020 Health Physics William Schuster 0 0 0 NA NA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor ML20248H568 08/03/2020 Operations Michael Takacs 0 0 0 One violation was identified for failing to complete a surveillance within the required time interval due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, enforcement discretion was exercised and no violation was issued. NA
Aerotest Research Reactor ML20240A252 08/10/2020 Shutdown Craig Bassett 0 1 0 RSO did not meet the educational requirements specified in the Technical Specifications. Aerotest contested the violation. ML20304A153
Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor ML20248J267 08/10/2020 Operations Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
Aerotest Research Reactor ML20237F588 08/11/2020 Security Craig Bassett 0 1 0 NA NA
Kansas State University TRIGA Reactor ML20240A199 08/17/2020 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 2 2 instances of surveillances not being completed at the required frequency. NA
Walthousen Reactor Critical Facility ML20261H594 08/25/2020 Operations Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
NC State University PULSTAR Reactor ML20252A236 08/31/2020 Security Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor ML20260H076 08/31/2020 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of New Mexico AGN-201 Reactor ML20273A305 09/21/2020 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute TRIGA Reactor ML20303A309 09/29/2020 Health Physics Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Utah Training Reactor ML20304A216 10/13/2020 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 1 0 Reactor startups were performed without the Reactor Supervisor present as required by the Technical Specifications. ML21203A031
Ohio State University Research Reactor ML20315A007 10/19/2020 Health Physics Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor ML20317A194 10/20/2020 Health Physics Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
Washington State University Reactor ML20339A674 10/20/2020 Security Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Purdue University Reactor - 1 ML20332A083 10/27/2020 Special Phil O'Bryan, Joshua Havertape 1 1 0 Operation of the reactor in excess of the licensed power level due to improperly calibrated nuclear instruments. Failure to post a Radiation Area. ML21035A014
Missouri University Research Reactor ML20322A365 11/02/2020 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 1 Reactor control blade inoperable during reactor operations NA
US Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor ML20335A181 11/16/2020 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Texas - Austin Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory ML20356A159 11/16/2020 Health Physics Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
University of Florida Training Reactor ML20349A142 11/30/2020 Health Physics Phil O'Bryan 0 0 0 NA NA
University of New Mexico AGN-201 Reactor ML20352A452 11/30/2020 Security Craig Bassett 0 1 0 NA NA
Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited Violations Violation Information Follow-Up


Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited Violations Violation Information Follow-Up
ML19031C929 01/14/2019 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19030B852 01/15/2019 Operations Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19036A886 01/28/2019 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19057A199 02/12/2019 Operations Michael Takacs, Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19074A267 03/05/2019 Operations William Schuster 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19094A449 03/18/2019 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19114A479 04/09/2019 Followup Michael Takacs 0 1 0 Failure to complete a 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation for a new reactor console prior to performing operations for low power testing. ML19170A105
ML19128A011 04/16/2019 Operations Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19255E331 04/20/2019 All Johnny Eads 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19130A101 04/29/2019 Health Physics William Schuster 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19255E598 05/07/2019 Operations Johnny Eads 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19150A340 05/13/2019 Security Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19163A020 05/20/2019 Operations William Schuster 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19177A008 06/03/2019 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19191A046 06/18/2019 Operations Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19203A182 07/08/2019 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19227A326 07/29/2019 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19247C512 08/05/2019 Decommissioning Robert Evans 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19233A309 08/12/2019 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19248C724 08/19/2019 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19282B996 08/21/2019 Operations William Schuster 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19294A090 09/09/2019 Health Physics Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19296D152 10/07/2019 Health Physics Craig Bassett 0 1 0 Failure to submit annual reports and conduct environmental monitoring surveys in the required timeframes. ML19337A436
ML19304C605 10/21/2019 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19309D628 10/21/2019 Operations William Schuster 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19319B661 11/04/2019 Operations Craig Bassett 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19340B199 11/04/2019 Operations William Schuster 0 0 3 Failure of reactor confinement, anti-siphon systems, and shim blades during operations. NA
ML19360A241 11/04/2019 Health Physics Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19333B907 11/05/2019 Operations Kevin Roche, Michael Balazik 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19353C985 11/14/2019 Reactive Michael Takacs 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19343A831 11/15/2019 Operations William Schuster 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19333B971 11/18/2019 Operations Craig Bassett 0 2 0 Failure to restrict the duties of an operator who failed to meet requal requirements, and failure to verify the exhaust system was operable at the required frequency. ML20022A362
ML19346G731 11/18/2019 Operations Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
ML19347D259 12/02/2019 All Craig Bassett, Mike Takacs 0 0 1 Incorrect calculation of sample activities led to shipping of samples with greater than allowed activities NA
ML20006G121 12/03/2019 Followup Kevin Roche 0 0 0 NA NA
Facility Inspection Report Inspection Date Category Inspector(s) SL-III Violations SL-IV Violations Non-Cited Violations Violation Information Follow-Up

TRTR Facility Special Inspections

  • University of Texas – Austin Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory – 2022
    •  A Special Inspection was performed from November 7 – December 8, 2022 to investigate the operation of the reactor with aluminum clad fuel elements in the core, contrary to the reactor license. One Severity Level IV violation for failure of the Reactor Safety Committee to review changes to the facility was identified. One apparent violation was identified for the operation of the reactor with an aluminum clad fuel element in the core.
  • NIST Center for Neutron Research – 2021
    • A Special Inspection was performed from February 9, 2021 – March 16, 2022 in response to an apparent Safety Limit violation leading to partial melting of a fuel element and release of fission products. The NRC identified 7 apparent violations related to exceeding the fuel temperature Safety Limit, emergency planning, and unauthorized changes to the facility.
  • Purdue University Reactor – 1 – 2020
  • Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center – 2012
    • A Special Inspection was performed at the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center from October 26-27, 2011 to follow up on an event that lead to a worker receiving a dose of approximately 2.5 Rem. The worker entered a dry irradiation room after the reactor core had been moved adjacent to the room and the dose rate was approximately 30 rem/hr. This was determined to be a Severity Level IV violation, but was not cited as RINSCs corrective actions were deemed appropriate.
      • Relevant Documents: ML111313A012
  • NC State University PULSTAR Reactor – 2011
    • A Special Inspection was performed at the NC State University PULSTAR Reactor to follow up on a technician entering a neutron radiography cave with a shutter open while the reactor was operating and being exposed to dose rates of approximately 30 rem/hr. Additionally, the technician was not wearing dosimetry. This was determined to constitute 2 Severity Level IV violations, but was not cited as NC State’s corrective actions were deemed appropriate.
  • Kansas State University TRIGA Reactor – 2010
    • A Special Inspection was performed at the Kansas State University TRIGA Reactor to investigate the circumstances of an event leading to unexpected high dose rates in excess of 20 rem per hour. Irradiated oil samples were removed from the reactor pool resulting in unexpectedly high dose rates in excess of 50 rem per hour. A Severity Level III violation was issued for failure to perform required surveys and issue proper dosimetry to personnel.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor – 2007
    • A Special Inspection was performed at the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory to investigate the circumstances which lead to an employee receiving an unexpected whole body dose of approximately 4 Rem during the third quarter of 2007. This dose was found to result primarily from silicon doping operations at the facility. 2 Severity Level IV violations were issued for failure to perform required surveys and failure to provide proper training to personnel issued dosimetry. 
  • Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center TRIGA Reactor – 2006
    • A Special Inspection was performed at the Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center to investigate the potential extremity overexposure to a worker. The event was not determined to be an overexposure, but it was found that the worker had failed to follow procedures. A Severity Level IV violation was determined to have occurred for failure to make required surveys.