Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Reactor |
57487 |
01/06/2025 |
Staffing |
The reactor key was left unattended in the console for approximately 3 minutes while the reactor was not secured. |
ML25021A251 | |
Missouri University Research Reactor |
57445 |
11/25/2024 |
Instrumentation / Control |
The switch which allows control blades to be selected for manual operation failed during an operation. |
ML24344A113 | |
Missouri University Research Reactor |
57382 |
10/14/2024 |
Instrumentation / Control |
A required scram channel (Fluxtrap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip) was found to be inoperable during pre-startup checks. |
ML24299A074 | |
Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor |
57239 |
07/24/2024 |
Staffing |
Key was left unattended in the reactor console after the reactor was shutdown. |
ML24221A288 | |
Maryland University Training Reactor |
57207 |
07/03/2024 |
Confinement / Ventilation |
Operator momentarily switched on a ventilation fan while the reactor was not secured, violating the Technical Specifications for Confinement. |
Not Available | |
NC State University PULSTAR Reactor |
57196 |
06/27/2024 |
Instrumentation / Control |
Required power monitoring channel failed during operation. |
ML24193A107 | |
US Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor |
57191 |
06/25/2024 |
Fuel |
Numerous fuel elements failed visual inspections. |
Not Available | |
Missouri University Research Reactor |
57180 |
06/17/2024 |
Confinement / Ventilation |
Exhaust filters were found to have not been meeting Technical Specification requirements between July 2022 and April 2024. |
ML24184A113 | |
Texas A&M Nuclear Engineering and Science Center |
57174 |
06/14/2024 |
Fuel |
2 fuel elements were found to be outside of the Tech Spec limit for transverse bend during fuel inspection. |
ML24350A004 | |
Missouri University Research Reactor |
56534 |
05/23/2024 |
Instrumentation / Control |
A single control blade was 1.4 inches below the other 3 while the reactor was operating above 100 kW |
ML23157A214 | |
Missouri University Research Reactor |
57125 |
05/10/2024 |
Confinement / Ventilation |
Tech Spec required filter monitors were not positioned on the correct filter banks. There was no evidence of any radioactive material release. |
ML24145A182 | |
Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor |
57113 |
05/07/2024 |
Staffing |
Following a reactor shutdown, there was an indication that one control rod was not fully inserted. Both the reactor operator and reactor engineer left the control room to investigate, leaving it unattended, and discovered that one control rod was not fully inserted meaning that the reactor was not secured. |
ML24145A126 | |
Reed Research Reactor |
57014 |
03/07/2024 |
Staffing |
Reactor key was left in the console unattended for approximately 20 minutes following a planned shutdown. |
Not Available | |
University of New Mexico AGN201 |
56927 |
01/17/2024 |
Staffing |
After directing a trainee to shut down the reactor, the Reactor Operator left the control room while the key remained in the reactor console. |
Not Available | |
Texas A&M Nuclear Engineering and Science Center |
56898 |
12/15/2023 |
Instrumentation / Control |
It was found that the confinement pressure monitor was not tied into the trip system and was not visible to operators in the control room leading to a potential violation of the Limiting Conditions for Operation. This event was later withdrawn. |
Not Available | |
Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor |
56878 |
12/01/2023 |
Instrumentation / Control |
A failed amplifier caused a high power scram indication. This was considered a reactor safety system component malfunction. Actual reactor power remained at normal levels during the event. |
ML23349A206 | |
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center |
56643 |
07/27/2023 |
Fuel |
A fuel element was found with unusual pitting and discoloration during a fuel inspection. All fuel elements that had not been inspected within the last year were inspected. |
ML23222A187 | |
University of New Mexico AGN-201 Reactor |
56602 |
06/30/2023 |
Administrative |
Failure to complete alarm testing within the required 7.5 month interval. |
Not Available | |
Texas A&M Nuclear Engineering and Science Center |
56595 |
06/28/2023 |
Fuel |
Fuel element that failed to pass inspection due to swelling. The entire core was inspected following this finding. |
ML24350A003 | |
NC State University PULSTAR Reactor |
56553 |
06/02/2023 |
Instrumentation / Control |
Failure of a power monitoring safety channel (faulty high voltage power supply) was observed during an operation. |
ML23163A190 | |
Texas A&M Nuclear Engineering and Science Center |
56489 |
04/25/2023 |
Instrumentation / Control |
Required Area Radiation Monitor display in the Emergency Support Center was inoperable. |
ML24350A006 | |
University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center |
56331 |
01/31/2023 |
Coolant |
Tritium concentrations in the pool water were found to be in excess of license limits. This was due to an incorrect tritium analysis during the relicensing process having led to the limit for tritium being set too low to be achieved. |
ML23039A207 | |
Reed Research Reactor |
56308 |
01/11/2023 |
Confinement / Ventilation |
Exhaust fan failed during the movement of irradiated fuel causing the ventilation system to become inoperable. |
Not Available | |
University of New Mexico AGN-201 Reactor |
56313 |
11/23/2022 |
Power Excursion |
High Power Scram caused by operator error. |
Not Available | |
University of Texas - Austin Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory |
56198 |
11/02/2022 |
Fuel |
Between January and October 2022 the reactor operated with 2 aluminum clad TRIGA fuel elements. The facility is only licensed for operations with stainless steel clad elements. There was no indication of any fuel damage or radioactive material released. |
ML22322A114 | |
Missouri University Research Reactor |
56296 |
09/22/2022 |
Staffing |
An operator continued to perform licensed duties after the expiration of their license. |
ML23017A207 | |
University of Utah Training Reactor |
55914 |
05/24/2022 |
Fuel |
Damaged fuel element was identified during a fuel inspection. The element was seen to have surface pitting and was discolored. As it was moved, bubbles began to emerge from the element, so the fuel cladding was believed to have failed. |
Not Available | |
NC State University PULSTAR Reactor |
55747 |
02/17/2022 |
Instrumentation / Control |
Power channel dropped to a reading of 20% of power while the reactor was operating at 95% of full power. |
ML22061A034 | |
Ohio State Research Reactor |
55739 |
02/15/2022 |
Confinement / Ventilation |
Required exhaust fan failed during operations when a conduit carrying its power was accidentally cut through while a sink was being replaced. |
ML22060A104 | |
Penn State Breazeale Reactor |
55632 |
12/08/2021 |
Power Excursion |
Operator error while operating in square wave mode lead to an inadvertent reactivity insertion. The resulting short period caused the reactor power to overshoot the maximum licensed power level before the reactor scrammed. |
Not Available | |
Missouri University Research Reactor |
55583 |
11/15/2021 |
Instrumentation / Control |
Required flow rate scram channel was found to be inoperable. |
ML21327A305 | |
Missouri University Research Reactor |
55568 |
11/08/2021 |
Instrumentation / Control |
Required pool level measurement channel was found to not actuate a run-in within the required level range. |
ML21327A304 | |
Missouri University Research Reactor |
55516 |
10/11/2021 |
Instrumentation / Control |
Required primary coolant pressure scram channel setpoint was found to be out of the required range. |
ML21298A197 | |
University of Utah Training Reactor |
55399 |
08/05/2021 |
Coolant |
Exceeded Technical Specification limits for pool water conductivity and pH following an operation. This was believed to be due to an algaecide water treatment added to the pool several days prior to the operation. |
Not Available | |
Missouri University Research Reactor |
55380 |
07/26/2021 |
Instrumentation / Control |
Control Rod Drive Mechanism failed during an operation. |
ML21221A325 | |
Purdue University Reactor - 1 |
55359 |
02/28/2021 |
Power Excursion |
The reactor was operated in excess of its licensed power level due to an improper power calibration. |
ML21181A403 | |
Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor |
55266 |
05/20/2021 |
Administrative |
Failure to perform required experimental verification of calculated airborne effluent release values every five years |
ML21153A432 | |
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Reactor |
55212 |
04/24/2021 |
Staffing |
The reactor was operated with only a single Senior Reactor Operator onsite. |
ML21132A251 | |
Texas A&M Nuclear Engineering and Science Center |
55129 |
03/09/2021 |
Power Excursion |
The reactor was beleived to have been operated in excess of licensed power levels, but the event was later retracted. |
Not Applicable | |
NIST Center for Neutron Research |
NIST Center for Neutron Research |
NIST Center for Neutron Research |
Purdue University Reactor - 1 |
54958 |
10/20/2020 |
Power Excursion |
The reactor was operated in excess of its licensed power level due to an improper power calibration. |
| |
General Electric Nuclear Test Reactor |
55113 |
02/24/2021 |
Staffing |
Two operators who had gone out of qaulification due to not taking the required annual operating exam in the required time frame operated the reactor. |
| |
Dow Chemical TRIGA Reactor |
54719 |
05/19/2020 |
Emergency Declared |
Notification of Unusual Event declared due to a dam break leading to potential flooding of the reactor site. |
Not Applicable | |
Idaho State University AGN-201M |
54628 |
04/01/2020 |
Emergency Declared |
Notification of Unusual Event declared due to earthquake |
Not Applicable | |
Washington State University Reactor |
54627 |
04/01/2020 |
Emergency Declared |
Notification of Unusual Event declared due to earthquake |
Not Applicable | |