IAEA Research Reactor Listservers
Listservers have been made available by the IAEA for use by the world’s research reactor community. There is a listserver for each region of the world as well as a world wide one. The addresses are as follows:
afresrx@listserv.iaea.org – African countries
laresrx@listserv.iaea.org – Latin American countries – Central and South America
apresrx@listserv.iaea.org – Asian and Pacific countries
euresrx@listserv.iaea.org – European countries
waresrx@listserv.iaea.org – West Asian countries, such as Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Uzbekistan
naresrx@listserv.iaea.org – North American countries
worldresrx@listserv.iaea.org – World wide – the total of all those subscribed to the above listservers.
The main purpose of the listservers is to facilitate communication between the managers, operators, and users of research reactors. The objective is to share useful information throughout the community so that research reactor facilities may be operated and utilized as safely and efficiently as possible. Appropriate messages sent via the listservers could include:
- Requests for help with respect to advice on a particular problem.
- Announcements of research reactor related meetings.
- News items which may be of interest to the research reactor community, such as initial reactor criticality, accomplishment of major renovation, or a reactor being shut down.
- Reactor related job vacancies that may be available to qualified people from other countries.
- Offers to donate equipment or spare parts, which are no longer needed, to other facilities.
Messages that are deemed to be inappropriate by the moderator will not be approved for forwarding to subscribers. The listservers are moderated by the Research Reactor Specialist in the Physics Section of the IAEA’s Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences in the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications.
Please publicize the availability of the listservers to your colleagues in the research reactor community. Ideally, at least one person from each operating research reactor facility in the world should be subscribed.
To subscribe
You should subscribe to the listserver applicable to the region of the world you are in. You will then also be automatically subscribed to the world wide listserver.
For example, if you are in Africa, send the message:
subscribe afresrx
to majordomo@listserv.iaea.org. You will receive a message indicating that you are subscribed and also receive basic instructions about the list functions. Once subscribed, you will automatically receive any approved messages addressed to the afresrx or the worldresrx listservers.
To send a message
To send an email message, just use the appropriate email address above. The message will first go to the moderator for approval, and then will be forwarded to all members of that particular list. For example, a message sent to afresrx@listserv.iaea.org will go to all subscribers in Africa, and a message sent to worldresrx@listserv.iaea.org will go to those subscribed to any of the lists.
To unsubscribe
If you do not wish to be on the listserver, send a message to the listserver for the region of the world you are in. For example, if you are in Africa, send the message
unsubscribe afresrx
to majordomo@listserv.iaea.org. You will receive a message indicating that you have been unsubscribed.
For further queries, please contact: Brian Dodd
Research Reactor Specialist
International Atomic Energy Agency